Nous joindre

Du lundi au vendredi
de 10h à 17h30


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À propos

Yardley Hall is the largest of the three theatres in the Carlsen Center at Johnson County
Community College. Its total seating capacity of 1341 is divided on four levels:
Orchestra,Tier, Balconies, and Box.The farthest seat from the stage isapproximately 100
feet, creating aunique feeling of intimacy for ahouse of this size. It is equippedwith 41
linesets, 2 devoted electrics,capacity for more with the use ofdrop boxes. An acoustical
shell isavailable for musical events. Onehalf of the apron is a screw-jack liftthat can be
used to pit orchestras.Yardley Hall is ideal for dance ormusic. The acoustics are
excellent,and can be tuned for voice or music.