Nous joindre

Du lundi au vendredi
de 10h à 17h30


ou Envoyer une demande

À propos

A level of intimacy is achieved for concert-goers and performers alike in the
619-seat performance auditorium. All seats, from boxes to balcony, have close proximity to
the stage. The well-planned design provides the flexibility to accommodate orchestral and
dance performances, plays, lectures, formal meetings and seminars.
The stage
is large enough to support a full-sized professional symphony orchestra and chorus, yet the
theater is intimate enough for chamber music and drama. The orchestra pit accommodates up
to a 26-member instrumental ensemble. Artist Steve Feren’s “Flock”
chandelier creates the illusion, through fiberoptics, that the hand-blown glass birds can
soar through the Auditorium.
Performance support includes a sound and lighting
control booth, dressing rooms with 16 stations each, a truck dock at stage level to support
delivery, setup and secure scenery storage. Professional box office services and front of
house support is also included when using the Kuttemperoor Auditorium.