Contact us

Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


or Send us a message


The Civic Theatre is a 2,967 capacity performing arts venue located in downtown San Diego. It is the performing home of the San Diego Opera, Broadway/San Diego and regularly hosts performances of the California Ballet, presentations by La Jolla Music Society, touring orchestras and dance companies, Broadway musicals and plays, concerts, film presentations, lectures, etc. The Theatre is owned by the City of San Diego and operated by San Diego Theatres for the benefit of the community.
This information is provided to assist you in planning your events at the historic Balboa Theatre or at the Civic Theatre. Should additional information be required, please feel free to contact us for prompt response. Larger scale versions of the drawings included here are available upon request.

The Services and Fees document provides rental, services, equipment and personnel costs related to use of the Civic Theatre.