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Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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You marvel at the magnificent carved doors leading to the lobby. As you enter, the
dramatic 12th century Spanish palace is revealed. A delicate balcony looks over the
crowd and on to a rich-toned tapestry overhead. Yet, it's the full-bodied lions
ringing the ceiling in the auditorium that demand your attention. Mythical figures
from Spanish folklore surround as you move down the aisle. An ornate sun with
twinkling stars softly illuminates your seat from above in the elaborate cathedral
that is the Orpheum Theatre. Built in 1926 as a showcase for theatre magnate Alexander
Pantages, the Orpheum has featured vaudeville, silent films, motion pictures, musical
comedy and other theatrical entertainment. Two major renovations have dressed up the
theatre and allowed easy accommodation of large-scale Broadway productions.
The Orpheum has since been named a San Francisco Historical Landmark. When you visit,
you'll know why.