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Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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In 1924, the theatre was purchased by Famous Players Inc. and became a movie house.
Between 1945 and 1971, the building was owned and operated by the London Little Theatre.
It was one of Canada’s most active and successful amateur theatre companies.
The theatre began a three-year process to become a fully professional regional
theatre in 1971. The building itself was beginning to show signs of age and in 1977 it
underwent a $5 million renovation. It reopened in 1978 to reclaim its status as one of the
most beautiful theatres in Canada. The architectural firm that undertook the renovations
was awarded a Governor-General’s award for their re-design of The Grand.
The Grand is an excellent example of the Proscenium Arch Theatre and is one of the more
traditional forms of theatrical design. It was designed to send music and sound from the
stage into the audience.
Among the great actors who have performed under the
magnificent proscenium arch of The Grand are: W.C. Fields, Sarah Bernhardt, Michael
Redgrave, Donald O’Connor, Sidney Poitier, Jessica Tandy, Hume Cronyn, Maggie Smith,
Michael Burgess, William Hutt, Martha Henry, Karen Kain, Victor Garber, Sandra Oh and
Leonard Nimoy.