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Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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For almost 80 years, Aycock Auditorium has served as an arts hub for the University,
Greensboro and the Piedmont Triad region. Generations of students, faculty and staff have
shared with the greater community the thrill of encountering some of the greatest names in
the performing arts within the warm embrace of this historic building.
Originally opened in 1927 with seating for 2288 people, the auditorium was named for
Charles Brantly Aycock, North Carolina¹s governor from 1901-1905. Over the years,
performers such as the Feld Ballet, Shirley Verrett, Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo-Ma, Marcel
Marceau, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Leonard Nimoy, Maya Angelou, Cleveland Orchestra,
STOMP, the Boys Choir of Harlem, and Mel Torme have all graced the Aycock stage. It is
also the home of the UNCG Performing Arts Series (PAS)
Aycock Auditorium has
now re-opened following a two year, $19 million renovation.