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Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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The Alberta Bair Theater (ABT) is a completely renovated 1931 Fox vaudeville movie house with standard proscenium configuration. The stage house and the orchestra level seating have been realigned by ten degrees, creating a much larger stage, some interesting angles and few problems. One existing support column located in the stage right wing, remains for structural reasons. An orchestra pit with room for about 40 musicians is under the front sections and apron of the stage, with the apron on a hydraulic lift. The Lighting Control Booth is located at the rear of the orchestra level, house right , and the Sound Control Booth is at the front of the balcony, house right. Lights and the Act Curtain can be controlled from the Stage Manager station, stage left. Fly Gallery is above stage right wing.