Monday to Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Additional information > Promote your cultural events
Teatricus now has a news section which promotes cultural events. It displays the latest information about all events currently happening in your area.
This section highlights all the events around Montreal as well as around the world. In order to get access to it, you will need to expand your profile on Teatricus by selecting additional regional display areas.
Teatricus promotes these cultural events through a calendar which appears throughout the site. Join the different promoters by displaying your own particular cultural events to the community. It will also be possible to display current projects and their development. Companies that have performing shows can promote these cultural events in the calendar as well as display the dates of tour plans.
Teatricus encourages registered members to offer discounts to other users of our services. In order to offer a discount to other Teatricus members, you simply have to enter the value of this discount when registering your event by clicking the "add event" tab.
Make Teatricus the home page on your browser and be the first to know about new promotions for your local cultural events and to help in their promotion to your area.
Don’t look any further. Come and visit us and learn about the incredible number of cultural events that are going on. For more information visit our website at